ACERT Awards Program
ACERT is proud to be able to recognize the outstanding work of campus response teams across Canada by presenting awards each year at NCCER. Forms are sent out prior to the conference for teams to fill out. Please see the description of our awards below.
Team of the Year
One Award Available
This award recognizes an ACERT member team that has demonstrated extraordinary endeavours such as exceptional emergency care, training, overall improvement, communication, administration, or overcoming administrative problems.
Advisor of the Year
One Award Available
This award is presented annually to a faculty advisor, administrator, or medical director who has contributed to the success of a Campus Response Team. This individual excels at mentoring their team and dedicates extraordinary amounts of time into educating and supporting their respective campus response teams.
Beyond the Call of Duty
One Award Available
This award is presented annually to a responder from a member team who has demonstrated exceptional individual effort in response, administration, communication and development.
NOTE: While this is typically presented to an individual, you may also nominate a pair/group of responders if they all participated in going beyond the call of duty on a specific call.
Acted to Save a Life
One Award Available
The “Acted to Save a Life” award will be given out to recognize all efforts made by Campus Response Team Responders towards life saving efforts. All responders involved in a resuscitation will be eligible to be nominated for this recognition. When nominating an individual or group for this recognition, the nominator will be required to write a description of the circumstance surrounding the call.
ACERT recognizes the sensitive nature of these critical incidents, and thus we encourage teams to discuss with their responders beforehand if they feel comfortable being nominated and receiving recognition for their efforts. ACERT also encourages all individuals involved in a critical incident on campus to reach out to resources if they require additional support following a critical incident.